The Only Way Out is Through
…but the idea of therapy can be scary – even insulting! We want to feel better but we don’t want to feel that we have to open up old wounds. We’ve already done so much ourselves and gotten this far. Is it worth the extra time and trust?
My Experience
Many of my clients said they had sought relief for years and were finally able find it when we worked together. Those new to therapy were at the point where they needed to try SOMEthing, ANYthing to feel better. At first, they thought that therapy was unnecessary, and only for weak people. Then they were pretty happy to be wrong about that.
In therapy, the past tends to come up, but we work to face it together in safety. People confessed their personal secrets and felt the weight melt off. Folks learned how to really take care of themselves. They became inspired to be inspiring.
My Style
I’m a professional goofball. An old professor told me that I carry my own sunshine. I smile and laugh, I coach and cheerlead, I quirk and I collaborate. We can get to the “ugly” through the warm and cozy.
How To Get the Most Out of Therapy
Honest commitment is how to get the most mileage out of therapy. Staying open and curious in the face of fear, acknowledging and setting aside our walls, getting under avoidance and anger to acceptance and authenticity.
Attending therapy is a great start; the rewards come from the informed risks you decide to take in session and out.
Caterpillars Aren’t Cute in the Cocoon

Let’s “goo” through this together!
Janet Forelo, LCSW – 5/27/2021