You Have Suffered Enough

“You have suffered enough. If you can make it easier, make it easier, and don’t feel guilty about it.” – Ali Wong, “Dear Girls” (the book she wrote to her daughters)

My partner said I am a cross between Ali Wong, House M.D., and Patch Adams. One day that will go on my website. *sparkle sparkle*

The Stranglehold Of “Shoulds”

Healing Milestone #1

I no longer feel the stranglehold of “shoulds”.

Therapists sometimes ask the Miracle Question – if you woke up tomorrow, and everything was as you would like it to be, how would you know? What would be different?

Sometimes when I do daily tasks, I can feel the lack of the weight that used to burden every part of my existence.

Shoulds use to paralyze me. I’d feel like I was spinning and getting nowhere. An old roommate described me as a hurricane. I felt like I was drowning and no matter how much and how hard I swam, that I could never quite reach the surface.

Today I take care of myself in ways I didn’t think were possible. Today I feel precious and free.